
Monday, March 10, 2014

What to Look For In an AC Contractor

There are lots of companies specializing in air conditioning repair in Houston, Texas. But how do you choose the best one? You need to have a set of criteria when looking for the right AC contractor to do any job. Whether you need to install a new air conditioning system, or you just need someone to look at a non-cooling AC system.


What will help boost your trust in a prospective contractor more than anything is if a friend or a family member has already acquired their services and was actually satisfied. Ask your family or friends so you can narrow down the list of contractor’s best fit for the job.

Licenses and Certifications

The next thing you need to ask is - does the contractor have a license and the proper certifications to run an air conditioning repair business?" If you are not aware of the specific certificates, you may search for information on the internet or call a government representative from your local area.


In the event that a contractor gets hurt, you should not be held liable for it. There are specific types of insurance that protect you from this. A good AC repair company will have liability insurance. In addition, insurance to protect property that could be damaged during the repair service should also be considered.

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